World Telephone Numbering Guide
Number Format
Area Code: 2-3? digits
Subscriber Number: 5-6? digits
Trunk Prefix: 0
International Prefix: 00
(Insufficient detail available on full numbering format).Area code information
October 2011 - South Sudan leaves +249, forms +211 country code
With the formation of South Sudan as a separate nation, telephone numbers there migrated to the new country code +211 in late 2011. The remaining Sudan territory continues to use +249.1 September 2005 - updated national numbering format
New 9-digit national number ranges were introduced. These consist of the national standard two service digits followed by 7-digit subscriber numbers as follows:Number format Service/Carrier
------------- ---------------
+249 12 xxxxxxx fixed - Sudatel
+249 15 xxxxxxx fixed - Kanartel
+249 91 xxxxxxx mobile - Mobitel
+249 92 xxxxxxx mobile - Areeba (Bashair)
It is unclear whether Sudatel changed the previously-established +249 18 xxxxxxx numbering or whether the +249 12 xxxxxxx range represents new subscriber numbers.+249 1x represents all wireline/fixed numbers in Sudan, while +249 9x represents all wireless/mobile numbers.
Source: National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) announcement (13 July 2005, via ITU).
June 2005 - new mobile code
+249 92 xxxxxxx number range is assigned for Bashair Telecom, operating with the name Areeba-Sudan.Specific date of activation was not known.
Source: NTC announcement (2 June 2005, via ITU)
1 April 2004 - national renumbering
Numbering changes take effect in Sudan as of 1 April 2004. For calls from outside Sudan, the former numbering will operate permissively with the new numbering until 1 June 2004. At that point, attempts to use old numbering will receive a recorded message. As of 1 September 2004, the recorded message would be discontinued.The changes also introduce a consistent closed dialling plan within Sudan, where each domestic call requires 9 digits (area code plus subscriber number) to complete.
Previously and presumably, former Khartoum +249 11 xxxxxx numbers could be dialled locally with only the 6-digit subscriber number (xxxxxx). Now, with new +249 1 83xxxxxx numbering, calls within Khartoum must now dial 1 83xxxxxx.
Details of April 2004 numbering changes:
1) Khartoum and area: existing area codes in +249 1x format with 6-digit subscriber numbers are consolidated into a single +249 1 area code, followed by 8-digit subscriber numbers:
Place Old format New format
===== ========== ==========
Khartoum +249 11 xxxxxx +249 1 83xxxxxx
Khartoum North +249 13 xxxxxx +249 1 85xxxxxx
Omdurman +249 15 xxxxxx +249 1 87xxxxxx
Khartoum Rural +249 18 xxxxxx +249 1 86xxxxxx
The digit '8' of the 8xxxxxxx subscriber number ranges identifies Sudatel as the carrier.2) Other areas: Prior to the April 2004 changes, subscribers in other Sudan regions had 3-digit area codes followed by 5-digit subscriber numbers. Digit '8' was prepended to existing 5-digit subscriber numbers to form new 6-digit subscriber numbers.
3) Non-geographic and wireless services:
Service Old format New format
======= ========== ==========
Mobitel +249 12 xxxxxx +249 912xxxxx
New mobile carrier --------- +249 922xxxxx
Private network +249 11 70xxxxx +249 1 870xxxxx
Private network +249 13 70xxxxx +249 1 870xxxxx
VSAT +249 17 xxxxxx +249 17 8xxxxxx
Also see: article (Telephone dialing codes to Sudan changing April 1st).National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) announcement (9 February 2004, via ITU).
Other information
Carriers include:ZAIN Sudan
MTN Sudan
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